About JAC
- About Japanese Association of Chiropractors -
About JAC
- About Japanese Association of Chiropractors -

Japanese Association of Chiropractors (JAC) among numerous “chiropractic organizations” in Japan represents national chiropractic profession and the only national member of the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) since 1999. JAC is registered as a Japanese government recognized corporate organization since 2007. The JAC members are internationally recognized WHO-standards chiropractors in Japan who occupy the majority of duly qualified chiropractors in Japan.
After the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan (NCAC) released the report in 2012, JAC has been regularly communicating with NCAC, the Consumer Affairs Agency, the Japan Advertising Review Organization (JARO) and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) for public safety. JAC has been supporting a self-regulatory body, the Japan Chiropractic Register (JCR) for protecting public safety as well as submitting the list of registrants to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. JAC also established the Japanese Society of Chiropractic Science (JSCS) within its organization and holds an annual research conference to promote an evidence based, people-centered, interprofessional, collaborative practice in the chiropractic profession.